Addressing Homelessness: Insights from and Evening Salon Series

Our newest member of the Board of Directors, Stanley Morris, recently extended a warm welcome to attendees at our evening salon series featuring esteemed guest speakers, Dr. Margot Kushel and San Francisco Chronicle journalist, Kevin Fagan. The event provided a platform for a deep dive into the complex issue of homelessness and shed light on potential solutions.

Dr. Kushel is the Director of the UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative, took the stage to discuss her groundbreaking work on the largest representative study of homelessness since the 1990s Her research delves into who experiences homelessness, the reasons behind their homelessness, the challenges they face while living without housing, and the obstacles they encounter when trying to regain stable housing.

Kevin Fagan, a renowned journalist with two decades of experience covering homelessness in San Francisco, served as the moderator for the evening. He shared his unique perspective, gained from embedding himself in encampments and shelters to understand firsthand the daily struggles faced by those experiencing homelessness. He reflected that during this time he visited NB Citizens and heard from others on the streets who found the organization was incomparable because of its compassion and kindness given to those who come through the drop-in centers’ door. Over the years, his in-depth reporting has been invaluable in raising awareness and understanding among his readers.

Kristie Fairchild, our dedicated Executive Director for over 20 years, connected the data and extensive studies presented during the event to the everyday experiences of the clients of North Beach Citizens. She also outlined the model of service used by the staff to effectively improve individuals' health and help them find stability, in an atmosphere of trust, integrity, and respect.

A resounding consensus emerged from the discussions: housing is the solution to homelessness. Dr. Kushel emphasized that San Francisco possesses the knowledge and capability to house even those facing the most significant challenges, but it requires collective will and determination to achieve this goal. She presented the BHHI policy recommendations and an executive summary of her study, highlighting the critical steps needed to address this humanitarian crisis, not only in San Francisco but nationwide.

The evening salon series provided an illuminating glimpse into the multifaceted issue of homelessness and the urgent need for action. It's a reminder that by working together, we can make strides toward ending homelessness and ensuring that everyone has a safe and stable place to call home.

WATCH EVENING RECORDINGA North Beach Citizens Salon Series with Dr. Margot Kushel